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This Extra Feature allows you to edit and create coupons:
  1. Show Coupon - You can find and edit coupons through this search.
  2. Create A New Coupon - This is how you create coupons.
  3. Import Coupons From CSV File - This allows you to upload multiple coupons from your computer.
  4. Allow Coupons To Be Added From The 'View Cart' - Check this box to allow your customers to enter and use coupons on the "View Cart" page.
  5. Use Secondary Coupon Display Method - There are two separate display methods for coupons. Check this box to use the secondary display method.
  6. Remove The Following Coupons XXX - This feature allows you to remove certain coupons.
You must fill out the following fields in order to create new coupons.
  1. Coupon ID - is the name or ID you have given the coupon. You will need to give this to your customers so that they can use the coupon.
  2. Discount Code - is the discount code for your coupon. More information on the discount codes can be found here.
  3. Priority - is the coupons priority. Valid values are from 0 to 9, and "unique". Since only one discount can be active at any given time, we use the priority to decide which discount to use. Higher priority numbers are used before lower ones. A priority of "unique" allows this coupon to be used regardless of what other coupons may be in the cart.
  4. Expires - Allows you to enter a date when the coupon will expire.
  5. Part Number XXX List - Products listed here will count toward the use of this coupon. Enter one part number per line.
  6. Redemption Part Number XXX List - Products listed here will receive the discount for this coupon. Enter one part number per line.
Coupons are located under the Extra Features section of the cart.
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