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Document Number: 572

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Linked Item: Also Bought or Might Like ("Add to Cart" code)

Certain products fit together, like chips and dip. People who purchase chips will often want to purchase dip. For this reason it is wise to put the dip right next to the chips.

This feature will help you sell these types of companion products. If a customer buys one of your products you can refer them to a popular companion product. Simply enter the URL to the page with products that a customer who purchased the first item, might also consider buying.

To use this you will use the "Add to Cart" Button Builder:
  1. Enter the product information,
  2. for "Link Type" choose either "Also Bought" or "Might Like".
  3. In the "Link" field, enter the URL to the page that contains the product you wish to direct a customer to (begin with http:// or https://).
  4. Finish the button and paste it into your site.
The link that this option creates will appear below the product description on the "View Cart" page.

If you select "Also Bought", the link will look like this:
Customers who bought this also bought this.

If you select "Might Like", the link will look like this:
You might also be interested in this.
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